Friday, August 18, 2006

Planes, Trains, and Automobiles

I'm trying to decide whether I should fly (aren't we on high alert??) or take a train (to see the sights and have a day just to meddle in my thoughts).

It would be cheaper and quicker to fly, but I've always wanted to have a cabin on a train. I think the train ride for Kaeven would be fun, hell, I'll have fun as well.

The last time I took a train was in 95. Me and my sister went to Kilgore TX, to visit my grandfather. It was a long ride and I couldn't hardly sleep in those little ass seats and having to watch our backs. Perverts were walking around and young boys were trying to holla.

I swore to myself that next time I would get a cabin, so I wouldn't have that headache or backache.

I'm not in a rush to get to Dallas, I would love to take the train ride. But the flight is cheaper. I really want the bedroom liner with the bathroom and shower, cause I hate using public restrooms. That way I would never have to leave my room and food service is included, but that will cost $200 more. You have to pay for comfort.

I just hope the Taliban ain't on the plane or that the train doesn't derail.

I pretty much know what I'm going to do, but I would love to hear what you guys would favor more....

Lemme know your thoughts...


Ladynay said...

I have never taken a train for distance travel so I can't offer an unbiased opinion....

You do make the train sound fun tho'.

nikki said...


whenever my brother and i went to visit fam in the ny, we took the train from atl to penn station. really, those were some of the best times ever and i think i'm gonna take the train soon to somewhere west. you meet all kinds of folk and the moving landscape is magnificent.

however, i remember we had to pay a GRIP this year when we purchased our granny's train ticket with cabin from ny to atlanta. that sucka was almost $700!

i've never ridden in the cabin and i think i would prefer that now that i'm older, but riding the train at as cheap as folk think it is. in fact, that shit's more expensive than airplane tickets hands down.

1InTheSame said...

that train ride sounds you have to get to the airport about 3 hours earlier now.

NegroPino™ said...

The PLANE is way cheaper but given the state of the world these days i guess your life is is on the line....and Kaevan would prolly enjoy it more but then u'd wish u hurry and get the hell there .....i dont have the patience for that.....but good luck either when is this taking place?

TrinaBeingTrina said...

I don't know what to tell you because at this point any kind of distance traveling could mean your life is on the line. These dam terrorists are relentless. You need to think about renting a car and a u-haul and driving. Then you could go broke on gas.

Shit, you might as well stay were the hell you are. :-)

layne bowden said...

I think I'd rather take the train too. It sure does sound more exciting than flying.

Maybe that's because I've never taken the train... so, ummm... I probably haven't been much help, huh? (LOL)

Anyway, I'm sure you'll make the right decision for you, the little one and your finances.


Anonymous said...

I have never taken a train so I would say... TRAIN!!!

Newy said...

I have never taken a long train ride and saince you are not in a hurry...I would say train...but finances may scream get on da plane... :)

MZPEACH said...

A plane. You flight will be safe.

I have spoken.