Monday, April 02, 2007

round 2
miscellaneous bickering
exposing situations needing to be handled
understandings needing to be comprehended
emotions needing to be expressed
its not an argument
if one is speaking
and one is listening
its not an argument
if one is understanding
and in agreement
its not an argument
if both submits
its more of us understanding
and delivering our needs, our wants
even though it wasn't an argument
emotions were heated
and so was my, i mean his......
and his, i mean mine......
i knew there would be a session
the make-up
spontaneity is mind blowing
how can i blow his mind?
the answer.......
a double entendre....


D_Scrilla said...

Your words fall on a Nigga like snowflakes, on a easy night.

Anonymous said...

scratches head**

SilkySmooth said...

You have a way with words, I was mesmerized reading this.

eclectik said...


you're good.


nikki said...

wassup folk! i didn't know you did poetry too!

TrinaBeingTrina said...

I'm feelin' you on this!

Anonymous said...

template change...there u go

NegroPino™ said...

Sexy gal!!!!!

Omar Ramon said...

u are still the fly sista i always felt u were! banging expression, Twin. Keep it up!!

PS...I miss yo stankin behind. holla at a brutha,y doncha?

Ms.Honey said...

I haven't been by in a MIN..I like the new spot..just swinging by to say hey

Chronicles Of The Sexy Fat Chick said...

GIRL, U make me wanna get back to my poetry roots. I Love it. 2 snaps. Hope all is well witcha its been a while. Holla

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

very well done

Charles said...

Loving the poetry...but it seems like everyone has bounced since I've been gone...

Blah Blah Blah said...

its not an argument
if one is speaking
and one is listening
its not an argument
if one is understanding
and in agreement
its not an argument
if both submits
its more of us understanding


Anonymous said...

you know a new post would be nice

Anonymous said...

you know a new post would be nice

Prophetess said...

'Nika LaQui - I hope all is well. Where U @, homes? Come on, now, don't be playing...

Anonymous said...

No, dear, and you couldn't have understood him.. But the truth forced its way to the front in his disordered understanding at last, and with painful dignity he staggered into an upright position, and regained his beaver.. It's dreadfully damp in the woods, he explained.. The tone was hysterical.. Buller, you get in and make yourself comfortable.. What's all this about? he demanded, roughly.. Miss Jones, round to Trio on Three Pianos. below, about forgetting in dreams.. It is very simple; and I am not at all sure that a great many other people have not a pair of the same kind.. Slowly the squire pulled closer to the front; the deacon's horse, realizing what it meant to his master and to him, spurted bravely, but, struggle as gamely as he might, the odds were too many for him, and he dropped to the rear.. II The big bays swung to the brow of the hill with ease, and dashed into a small circular clearing, where a quaint little two-story building, with a mossy watering-trough out in front, nestled under the shade of majestic old trees that reared their brown and scarlet crowns proudly into the sky.. Here we glide along, slowly and gently, with no possible thought of danger, for if the boat should suddenly spring a leak, as if it were the body of a wagon, all we would have to do would be to step on shore, and by the time you get to the end of the canal you will like this gentle motion so much that you will be perfectly ready to begin the second stage of your nautical education.. We have thus made room for any claims that may be made for the importance of conscious thought activity in dream formations in all its variations.. But, properly speaking, all dreams may claim this designation.. In both cases the anxiety is only superficially attached to the idea which accompanies it and comes from another source.. You know my grandfather Titbottom was a West Indian. If you will go and look at the bronze statue, you will find he has repeated this observation there for posterity.. Pardonnez-moi, monsieur , said Poopoo, as the auctioneer descended his pedestal, you shall excusez-moi , if I shall go to votre bureau , your counting-house, ver quick to make every ting sure wid respec to de lot vid de valuarble vatare privalege.. A somewhat sarcastic young lady, whose younger friend has become engaged to be married, is asked throughout the day by her acquaintances whether she knows and what she thinks of the fiance.. His mind lived in that period before the Civil War when the Talbots owned thousands of acres of fine cotton land and the slaves to till them; when the family mansion was the scene of princely hospitality, and drew its guests from the aristocracy of the South...

VerseOne said...

Peace Ms Laqui. I haven't blogged in forever, but I had to check and see how you and a few other were doing.

I hope all is well. Peace.

if you're on facebook check for me at